Some of the common poly aluminium chloride uses are the removal of anionic colloidal impurities and
settling of suspended materials during clarification of drinking water, sewage and industrial effluents.
It is
also used for the removal of residual colour, TOC and to meet the discharge norms..
Polyaluminum Chloride (PAC) is one of the most efficient water treatment chemicals utilized today.
It is
widely used in both potable water and wastewater treatment because it provides high coagulation
efficiency and it has the widest pH and temperature application ranges compared to other water treatment
Chemicals (coagulants) are added to the water to bring the nonsettling particles together into larger,
heavier masses of solids called floc.
Aluminum sulfate (alum) is the most common coagulant used for water
purification. Other chemicals, such as ferric sulfate or sodium aluminate, may also be used.