Caustic soda flakes is majorly used in textiles processing, soap and detergent, paper and pulp industry.
It is
also used as an intermediate for wide variety of organic chemicals such as dyes, pigments, agrochemicals
and variety of inorganic chemicals such as sulphites, phosphites etc.
Always add Caustic Soda to water not water to Caustic Soda.
Rinse equipment and treated areas
thoroughly after use.
Never add neat undissolved Caustic Soda direct into drains etc. Do not use on
galvanised, zinc, aluminium or acrylic surfaces
Other common names include caustic soda and lye.
Sodium hydroxide is used to manufacture soaps,
rayon, paper, explosives, dyestuffs, and petroleum products.
It is also used in processing cotton fabric,
laundering and bleaching, metal cleaning and processing, oxide coating, electroplating, and electrolytic